Wird FF7 part 2 eigentlich next gen exclusive?
Ich brauch nur Spider-man 2
(bei einigen würde ich auch eher mit 2024 rechnen)
Final Fantasy würde ich mit der Kneifzange nicht anfassen
Nein, aber schon öfters mal Trailer und Gameplay angeschaut. Bei den Charakteren und den Dialogen stehen mir die Haare zu Berge...Schon mal probiert?
bei Spiderman steht bei mir noch Miles Morales ungespielt im Regal...
Nooooo! Miles ist top. Echt guter Typ, der gut in die Spider-man Welt paßt.
Endlich werden die wichtigen Dinge in Angriff genommen. Ordner sind da nichts gegen
At launch, the PS5 lacked an expandable storage solution and was heavily criticized for it.
dann ist es wohl ein reboot zu marathon, der fps reihe, die bungie vor halo gemacht hat.
Vielleicht hole ich mir doch direkt eine 2 TB
We did this comic book, called American Dream, and that’s where we developed Riley, which later turned into the Left Behind additional chapter, and there was an opportunity to do an animated short. So, trying to come up with a story, I wrote this short script about Ellie’s mom and how she gave birth to Ellie. [...] It just became this little character drama that felt like it spoke to the same themes of parental love for their child and how much you’re willing to do, even when you’re on death’s door. That deal fell apart. And then, we were talking to another game company to potentially do it as a whole other game. And then, that deal fell apart, to tell that story.
There was some stuff written for the mom and the dad, for the game studio, to potentially do an Anna game, the climax of which was this scene. I’m reluctant to say anything about it because, as I’ve now found out several times, stories that I think are failures and that will never see the light of day, sometimes see the light of day.