mit fast 6 millionen verkauften handheld pc's in den letzten drei jahren führt steam deck mit ca. 3.7 millionen verkauften einheiten das feld an.

Three years later, the Steam Deck has dominated handheld PC gaming
How big is the handheld PC gaming industry?

But out of those 6 million shipments, the lion’s share have been the Steam Deck itself, according to IDC’s estimates. All of the 2022 shipments are the Steam Deck, and Ward tells me upwards of 50 percent of the 2023 shipments and 48 percent of the 2024 shipments are the Deck as well. Doing the math, Valve has now shipped upwards of 3.7 million Steam Decks and has quite possibly crossed 4 million by now.
Not that chips are the only reason the Steam Deck has come this far, not by a long shot! It’s the combination of Valve’s pick-up-and-play SteamOS — which lets you simply press a button to easily sleep and resume — and its Proton compatibility layer and precompiled shaders that, incredibly, often make Windows games run on Linux better than they run on Windows. Then there’s its infinitely customizable and comfortable controls that make decades of older games playable.