As much as half of the core development team known to be working on the upcoming
Perfect Dark reboot quit the company during the last year, or around 34 people, analysis of employee LinkedIn profiles has revealed.
That includes most of The Initiative’s senior design team, including
game director Dan Neuburger,
design director Drew Murray, lead level designer Chris O’Neill, principal world builder Jolyon Myers, two senior system designers,
a group of three former God of War designers and more.
And the turnover of top talent doesn’t end in design. Perfect Dark’s two most senior writers also recently quit, analysis shows, along with the project’s technical director, tech art director, lead gameplay engineer, lead animator, QA lead and more.
According to LinkedIn, The Initiative is now less than 50 people (when duplicates, former employees and erroneous listings are removed) and currently has
just three roles advertised on its website. Analysis suggests it hired around 12 people in the past 12 months.