In mid 2011, LGBTQ youth were committing suicide at increased rates. A small group of employees went to Mike Morhaime requesting the company's support in making 'it gets better' videos to show that Blizzard was a place that supported LGBTQ causes.
"We don't make political statements," Morhaime said to the group.
LGTBQ employees also cited an instance where company chose an anti-gay Death Metal singer, George Fisher, to perform at BlizzCon 2011. They introduced Fisher by showing a clip of him using homophobic slurs and telling Alliance players to "f****** die, you f****** emo c*** suckers."
The video they posted of the event was censored and doctored to bleep out the curses and completely remove the homophobic slurs, but they still chose to introduce him that way for the live audience.
One ex-employee said when she joined the company, one of the first questions she received was, "Do you even play the game?" The comment was met with laughter from the men who were present.
"About 10 months in, I landed a new role," said the ex-employee. "Later that day, I overheard two male coworkers joking about who I must have slept with."
Bandai Namco announced today that a new Ace Combat game is in development with ILCA! ILCA are the developers of The Idolmaster: Starlit Season and Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl. ILCA also helped develop cinematics and other aspects of Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown. Ace Combat is entering a “new era” according to producer Kazutoki Kono and new staff are being brought on for the franchise. More details about the new project will be shared at a later date.
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Neuer Ace Combat Ableger ist offiziell in Arbeit - Ace Combat 7 hat sich über 3 Mio verkauft
A new Ace Combat game is in development with ILCA, developers of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl
Bandai Namco announced today that a new Ace Combat game is in development with ILCA! ILCA are the developers of The Idolmaster: Starlit
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Nvidias Turing- und Ampere-Architektur kann INT8 mit DP4a über die Tensor-Kerne beschleunigen, doch ist unklar, ob das von alleine und ohne Codeanpassung mit der maximalen Performance passieren wird – ComputerBase geht aktuell nicht davon aus. Ab der Pascal-Generation gibt es DP4a darüber hinaus beschleunigt auf den normalen FP32-ALUs. AMDs RDNA 2 kann INT8 mit Rapid Packed Math über die FP32-ALUs beschleunigen, doch ob dies auch mit DP4a-Instruktionen geht, ist aktuell noch nicht gesichert. Die Redaktion versucht derzeit, diese Information von AMD in Erfahrung zu bringen, ist sich aber ziemlich sicher, dass die neuen Radeons (aber nur RDNA 2) damit umgehen können. Und auch wenn DP4a auf einer GPU nicht beschleunigt werden kann, ein Ausführen ohne Geschwindigkeitsgewinn sollte auf den FP32-ALUs immer möglich sein. Wobei dann fraglich ist, ob dies leistungstechnisch noch lohnenswert ist.
Quelle Computerbase
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