morgen gibt es dann die neuste firmware mit internen ssd support, 3d audio für tvs etc. für alle.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Endlich wieder übersichtliche TrophäendarstellungDas ist ja auch abgedeckt, oder?
Aber nur wenn du auch welche hast![]()
arbeiten nicht nur an einem multiplayer titel:
Why PlayStation is buying Firesprite, one of the UK's fastest growing studios
PlayStation is making its third acquisition of the summer by purchasing UK-based
Prior to the acquisition, Firesprite had been recruiting for two titles: a 'game-changing huge multiplayer shooter and an ambitious dark narrative blockbuster adventure'. Ankers and Hulst couldn't talk about the productions the company is working on, outside of the fact that they will be in genres outside of PlayStation Studios' core offerings.
"Our next project, we're working on original content right now. We can't talk about what that is, but that's the next step in the evolution for us," Thrush said, noting that, even with remakes like Shadow and Souls, the studio was already partially creating original content. He explained how, really, the growth of the studio, both in the literal number of employees as well as types of projects, naturally leads to this next step, especially given the team's pedigree.
"I'd like to see a world where the games that we make at PlayStation can be enjoyed by many, many tens of millions of people, perhaps hundreds of millions of people".
And to celebrate this PS VR milestone, we wanted to give a special thank you to PlayStation fans: Starting in November, PlayStation Plus* members will get three PS VR bonus games for no extra charge. Stay tuned for more details in the PlayStation Plus update in the next few weeks.