Dokumentationen, Interviews & Essay Thread


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valve hat zusammen mit noclip pünktlich zum 20 jährigen geburtstag eine zwei stündige doku über half-life² veröffentlicht:
To celebrate the 20th Anniversary of the release of Half-Life 2, we've gotten members of the HL2 team back to talk about the game's development, how we almost ran out of money, what it was like when we were hacked, what happened when we were sued by our publisher, the birthplace of Steam, and much more.


Cyt für Kantholz
Auf eine ganz komische Art vermisse ich die wilde Zeit der Peripheriegeräte, macht zwar finanziell zu 99% keinen Sinn und endet alles eh schnell als Elektroschrott, aber eine gewisse Faszination hatte das schon doch immer in mir ausgelöst.


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What if we told you that OG Xbox played host to an open world racing game that rendered at native 720p? That's just one of the technical feats delivered by the Wreckless/Double STEAL series of games. John Linneman is joined by Andrew Elmore for a look back at both games, including the bizarre PS2 and GameCube ports of the first game, before moving on to the technological masterpiece that is the Japan-only Double Steal: The Second Clash.
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Reaktionen: Cycrow


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noah gervais hat wieder einer seiner essays hochgeladen. dieses mal ist es eine über die dragon age ableger inklusive dlcs. laufzeit liegt bei fast 7 stunden.
This is a full-franchise, full-spoiler video review and retrospective of Bioware's Dragon Age franchise, from Origins through The Veilguard. It looks at what each game does uniquely and in terms of their connected narrative. It does its best to dive deep into the themes and characters that make Dragon Age such a remarkable series of games.


Ah, marginal zu spät, wollte es auch gerade posten, da ich schon am gucken bin, passt gerade super da ich nen bisschen background noise brauche... ^^
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