

Hab Oblivion geliebt, aber bei Skyblivion schreckt mich die Grafik ab. Wenn ich so ein Monster von einem Spiel nochmal zocken würde und damit voraussichtlich ein halbes Jahr nichts anderes spielen könnte, muss es sich schon richtig spürbar vom Original abheben. Eben etwa in der Unreal Engine 5 sein.
Daher freue ich mich sehr aufs offizielle Remake. Bis ich dazu komme, sind wahrscheinlich auch alle Bugs behoben. Wobei ich in Starfield tatsächlich keinen einzigen hatte. Hat das schwache Spiel aber am Ende auch nicht besser gemacht.
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Space Marine 3 is Officially in Development


Happy Lets Go GIF by NHL


remedy hat wieder mal ein aktuelles update über ihre projekte veröffentlicht.

viele infos, aber das wichtigste: neben ftc ist nun auch control 2 und die max payne 1 & 2 remakes in full production.
Anhang anzeigen 9029

bei control 2 ist dies aber erst seit diesen februar der fall.
Wie ich Max Payne 1 und 2 Remake herbei sehne! Großartige Shooter der alten Schule ohne Fähigkeitenbaum, übernatürliche Elemente und Leerlauf.
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Cyt für Kantholz
Da kein GTA 5 Thread (und es den auch nicht mehr braucht) hier:
Grand Theft Auto 5 on PC has been upgraded with a range of new ray tracing features, some of which we've already seen on the console versions of the games and others that are brand new. Alex takes a look at the game running fully maxed out, tests out performance on mainstream PC hardware and stacks up the new RT features against GTA 6 Trailer #1... are we seeing a preview of some of Rockstar's upcoming RT technology?

Thumbnail image compares standard reflections with RT reflections.
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Ich hab gehört mit dem Upgrade kann man das mit den alten Accounts nicht mehr spielen und die User hätten dann Unsummen verloren, stimmt das oder waren das Fake News?
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Ich hab gehört mit dem Upgarde kann man mit den alten Accounts das nicht mehr spielen und die User hätten dann Unsummen verloren, stimmt das oder waren das Fake News?

ist scheinbar ein echtes problem.
You’d think that would be a relatively straightforward process, but it appears the account migration isn’t working as intended for many players. Indeed, account migration problems are at the heart of most of the negative reviews flagged as ‘most helpful.’

“ ‘The GTA Online profile associated with this Rockstar Games account is not eligible for migration at this time,’ ” reported one disgruntled player. “If you think I'm throwing away nearly 700 hours of gameplay on one character so that you can make a few more bucks off me, then you can lick my anal orifice clean.


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square enix verklagt einen indie entwickler, da sie scheinbar für ihr aktuelles projekt assets & co. von einem gescheiterten front mission ableger benutzen, an dem sie mitgearbeitet haben.
Square Enix has been reviving its Front Mission mecha franchise with remakes of its early games, but announced an entirely new game, Front Mission 2089: Borderscape, in 2022. Developed by BlackJack Studio, the game never came to to be: In a new lawsuit filed on March 13 in a Seattle court, Square Enix terminated the licensing agreement and canceled the game in October 2022, months after the game was announced in April. But years later, in October 2024, BlackJack Studio (called HK Ten Tree in the lawsuit) released a game called Metal Storm (or Mecharashi) that Square Enix says was “developed using materials created pursuant” to its Front Mission licensing agreement, and made by the same people.
Essentially, Square Enix is accusing the studio of reusing stuff made specifically for the Front Mission game that was canceled to make this new game, Mecharashi. Mecharashi was released in China and Japan. On its Steam page, BlackJack Studio calls Mecharashi a “mecha-themed tactical turn-based game” that uses “a Front Mission-style combat system, where you can assemble mechas however you want, equip a wide selection of weapons, and choose your favorite pilots to engage in battle.” There’s no release date; it’s simply listed as “coming soon.”
  • Whoa
  • Sonic
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gamestop schließt komplett game informer.

das magazin gabs seit 1991 und war damit in amerika das am längsten laufende videospielmagazin.

game informer sind zurück!
How did this all happen? After first touching base with our team and ensuring our interest, the team at Gunzilla Games secured the rights to Game Informer. From the start, the new owners insisted on the idea of Game Informer remaining an independent editorial outlet; they felt just as strongly as our team did that the only path forward was with an editorial group that made 100 percent of the decisions around what we cover and how we do so, without any influence from them or anyone else.

Game Informer now operates under an entity called Game Informer Inc., and our intent is to continue to focus on highlighting the coolest games, celebrating the history and legacy of the gaming industry, and shining a spotlight on the creators and players who are charting its future. I am deeply grateful for the trust and enthusiasm from the team at Gunzilla Games; they see the same potential in Game Informer as our team does, and their encouragement to do so ethically and free of outside pressure is laudable.


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laut jason schreier hat warner bros. die tage drei interne studios geschlossen. u.a. auch die legendären monolith productions, die gerade im fps bereich eine absolute hausnummer waren mit titeln wie blood, avp2, no one lives forever, f.e.a.r. und condemned. in den letzten 10 jahren waren sie dann eher für titel wie die beiden shadow of mordor/war ableger bekannt und haben seit paar jahren an einem open world wonder woman titel gearbeitet, das nun gecancelt wurde.
Anhang anzeigen 8893

erst gestern wurde die news veröffentlicht, dass james gunn (der aktuelle kopf hinter dem dc multimedia universum) sich mit verschiedenen warner bros. studios getroffen hat, um dort zukünftige dc projekte zu besprechen. monolith war dann wohl kein teil davon.

trotz der schließung von monolith gibt nightdive jedenfalls nicht auf an möglichen no one lives forever remasters zu arbeiten
“That was the word I was going to use too, because any time that there’s just a general kind of shift in the industry, it does open some windows every once in a while for that kind of stuff,” Kick added. “So optimism is kind of where we’re at. I think that there’s at least a potential for something good to come out of that, but I don’t know. It’s too recent. I don’t want to keep on falling back on that.”

When asked if this meant they weren’t giving up on their attempt to remaster the game, Kick replied: “Never give up. We don’t give up.”


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ubisoft steht wohl kurz vor dem verkauf.

und es passiert. in gewisser weise...
ubisoft gründet zusammen mit tencent eine neue tochtergesellschaft, die über die assassin's creed, far cry und rainbow six ip verfügen wird.
Ubisoft has announced that it’s creating a subsidiary which will focus on its main three IPs, and will be partly owned by Tencent.

The new subsidiary will be based on the Assassin’s Creed, Far Cry and Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six brands, and will be “backed by greater investment and boosted creative capabilities” in an attempt to push each series forwards.

The subsidiary has been valued at around €4 billion, and Tencent will be investing €1.16 billion to gain a minority stake of around 25% in it.
Ubisoft says the new subsidiary, backed by Tencent’s investment, “will drive further increases in quality of narrative solo experiences, expand multiplayer offerings with increased frequency of content release, introduce free-to-play touchpoints, and integrate more social features.”

“The new subsidiary would include the teams developing the Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six, Assassin’s Creed and Far Cry franchises based in Montréal, Quebec, Sherbrooke, Saguenay, Barcelona, and Sofia as well as the back catalogue and any new games currently under development or to be developed,” it added.

“Today Ubisoft is opening a new chapter in its history,” Ubisoft co-founder and CEO Yves Guillemot said in a statement. “As we accelerate the company’s transformation, this is a foundational step in changing Ubisoft’s operating model that will enable us to be both agile and ambitious.
Alongside the creation of the new subsidiary, Ubisoft says it will continue working on other IP outside of the three that have moved over.

“In parallel to the creation of this new entity, Ubisoft will focus on nurturing the development of iconic franchises including Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon and The Division, accelerating the growth of top performing titles and leveraging disruptive technologies on selected new IPs, while continuing to deliver state-of-the-art production game engines and online services,” it said in a statement.


Jo und in 5 Jahren sagt dann Tencent wieder, "yeah maybe not" und Ubi steht wieder da wo sie jetzt sind
So halbgare Lösungen bringen nix, hätten lieber den Laden komplett verkaufen sollen


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Jo und in 5 Jahren sagt dann Tencent wieder, "yeah maybe not" und Ubi steht wieder da wo sie jetzt sind
So halbgare Lösungen bringen nix, hätten lieber den Laden komplett verkaufen sollen

wahrscheinlich wird man irgendwann die neue tochterfirma von ubisoft trennen, tausende jobs gehen flöten, während die guillemots mit ihren drei top ips und tencent in den sicheren hafen fahren.


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laut shuhei yoshida war der erfolg von nier automata im westen eine kehrtwende für die japanische videospielindustrie
"From there, it became clear that Japanese creators were making 'Japanese things' and those things were selling overseas," Yoshida said. "Everyone realized that with NieR."

"It was just a matter of saying 'it's okay to do it like that,' but 'we have to do it like that,'" Yoshida continued. "So the direction of Japanese creators became 'let's stop imitating overseas countries anymore,' 'if we create things with our own culture and that we understand, they will understand it overseas.'"

"I think the Japanese game industry was revived after NieR so much so that I would say it was before NieR and after NieR," Yoshida said. "To put it simply, I think NieR: Automata was the title that made people realize 'let's make something Japanese.'"

man muss aber auch sagen, dass 2017 allgemein ein brutales jahr für japanische titel im westen war. nier automata, dragon quest 11, yakuza zero, persona 5, xenoblade 2, nioh usw.


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es gibt einen ersten ausblick auf das star wars rundenstrategie-spiel von respawn und bit reactor (ex-xcom devs).
Recently, Lucasfilm confirmed that the upcoming Star Wars Celebration, a major event for the franchise set to take place next month, will feature the first look at a new Star Wars turn-based tactics game. This game was first revealed in early 2022 and is the result of a collaboration between Respawn Entertainment and Bit Reactor, a studio founded by veterans of the XCOM franchise.

According to the Star Wars website, the game will be unveiled during a one-hour panel at the event on April 19th, so it's only a matter of weeks before we know the first details of the game. But if that's still a long time for you to wait, then you're in luck, as we've just found some previously never-seen pictures offering a sneak peek into the game's gameplay and UI.


die screenshots sind von einem 2023er build und die offizielle ankündigung soll demnächst erfolgen, genauer gesagt am 19. april.