heute früh ist der größte leak in der geschichte von rockstar passiert. jemand hat video- und bildmaterial von einem 2019er build von grand theft auto 6 veröffentlicht, inklusive source code. das sind fast über 90 videos und tausende zeilen an code, die einige noch unbekannte features leaken.
Development footage of Grand Theft Auto 6 has leaked (Source code potentially in hands of leaker)
Looks like an early development build. It's worth noting the tram has "Vice City" on it so seems unlikely for it to be a leak of another game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GfPx1yAxQ0 https://twitter.com/melzyfn/status/1571366681846464512...www.resetera.com
gamespot journalist mark delaney hat heute einen ausführlichen artikel über abandoned veröffentlicht. beleuchtet die jeweiligen kontroversen und zeigt auch paar neue auf.
Blue Box Dev Behind PS5's Abandoned Misled Fans, Solicited Business Deals In "Toxic" Chatroom
Sources told GameSpot that Blue Box is making little progress on Abandoned as its lead developer shares uninspiring teases and flip-flops on the truth with an exclusive fan chatroom he organized.www.gamespot.com
und es geht weiter und weiter und weiter... auf imgur hat nun scheinbar jemand weiteres material zu silent hill "sakura" aka p.t. 2.0 geleakt.
war schon länger im umlauf, aber nun offiziell: koei tecmo und electronic arts werden gemeinsame sachen machen. genauer gesagt arbeitet koei tecmo's in-house entwickler omega force an einem "hunting game" aka monster hunter klon, was einigermaßen passt, denn neben den warriors titeln, hat omega force mit toukiden 1 und 2 bereits titel in dem selben fahrwasser abgeliefert.
Electronic Arts and KOEI TECMO Working Together on the Next Great Hunting Game
EA Originals Label to Publish New AAA Game from Omega Force, the Japanese Studio at KOEI TECMO Responsible for DYNASTY WARRIORS and SAMURAI WARRIORS Series Electronic Arts Inc. (NASDAQ:EA) EA Originals Label has announced a new partnership with KOEI TECMO and studio Omega Force, the team behind...news.ea.com
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Prepare for an epic adventure set in a fantasy world inspired by feudal Japan. Developed by Omega Force, the Japanese studio behind Dynasty Warriors, in partnership with Electronic Arts.
Na da hat sich Ubi ja genau den richtigen Titel ausgesucht um den Preis zu erhöhen aber das kann einem most wanted wie Skull & Bones sicherlich nichts anhaben.
"The reason for the latest delay isn’t entirely clear, but it comes less than a month after the game was shown at Ubisoft Forward, the company’s big 2022 gaming showcase. Kotaku understands that Skull and Bones’ latest technical test ended on September 19. According to one source who was involved, the gameplay was more refined than in previous tests, but overall player progression still seemed shallow. That’s also been a concern shared by multiple sources involved in the game’s development."
We’re grateful to the dedicated Stadia players that have been with us from the start. We will be refunding all Stadia hardware purchases made through the Google Store, and all game and add-on content purchases made through the Stadia store. Players will continue to have access to their games library and play through January 18, 2023 so they can complete final play sessions. We expect to have the majority of refunds completed by mid-January, 2023.