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Pretends To Be Shocked GIF by MOODMAN


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nach dem golden eye remake ist nun der nächste gecancelte rare titel im netz gelandet: dinosaur planet

The action-adventure title – which was eventually repurposed for GameCube as Star Fox Adventures – was obtained and shared online by games preservationists Forest of Illusion, the same group which obtained a Zelda 64 beta last month.

The leak represents the first time anyone outside of Rare has been able to play the N64 version of Dinosaur Planet, outside of trade shows in the late 90s and early 2000s.

According to Forest of Illusion, the leaked build was purchased from a private game collector in Sweden. “The file date lists the build as being from December 1st 2000,” they said. “It seems to be quite a late build of the game which is great, but it will need some hacking to be fully playable to the end.”

However, with development taking longer than expected, Nintendo eventually ordered the project to be moved to its new GameCube console, along with a switch to the Star Fox franchise.

According to popular legend, Shigeru Miyamoto had been shown footage of Dinosaur Planet and suggested that the game should be re-tooled to incorporate Fox McCloud.



Er hat sich in einem Kalenderjahr 200x das Essen von einer externen Firma zahlen lassen. Das wirft kein gutes Licht auf einen Führungsmitarbeiter. Man weiß nur nicht wer da so spendabel war, ob MS oder Sony oder jemand anderes.


Halb Mensch, halb Gerät!
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Die IP wäre eigentlich perfekt für ein nächstes Projekt von CDPR...dachte ich lange Zeit und dann kam Cyberpunk raus.