die nacht sind etliche interviews mit yoshida beüzglich ffxvi online gegangen. beinhaltet einiges an neuen infos.
es ist kein open world titel, sondern wird unabhängige gebiete bieten:
clive wird die meiste zeit begleiter an seiner seite haben:
die geschichte im spiel ist komplett und aktuell ist kein zusätzlicher content* geplant:
wieso der titel erwachsener ist:
wieso der titel ein klassisches mittelalter fantasy setting bietet:
der nächster trailer soll noch diesen herbst (playstation showcase maybe maybe) veröffentlicht werden:

Multiple FFXVI interviews with Naoki Yoshida popping up
https://www.square-enix-games.com/en_GB/news/final-fantasy-xvi-interview https://www.ign.com/articles/final-fantasy-16-everything-we-learned https://press-start.com.au/features/2022/06/22/final-fantasy-xvi-interview-yoshida-final-fantasy-xvi-world-combat-eikons/...
es ist kein open world titel, sondern wird unabhängige gebiete bieten:
"However, to bring a story that feels like it spans an entire globe and beyond, we decided to avoid an open world design that limits us to a single open world space, and instead focus on an independent area-based game design that can give players a better feel of a truly "global" scale.
clive wird die meiste zeit begleiter an seiner seite haben:
"We didn't want to overwhelm users in our newest trailer, so we focused solely on Clive's battles. That said, for most of his journey, Clive will be accompanied by one or more companions. These companions will participate in battle, as well as trade banter with Clive. That said, the party members will be AI-driven so as to allow players to focus solely on controlling Clive," Yoshida explains.
While Yoshida wouldn't confirm one way or another, one of those party members could include Torgal, the wolf-pup from the original trailer. Yoshida said fans will have "wait and see" regarding whether the pup will eventually play a role in the combat, promising more info on parties soon.
die geschichte im spiel ist komplett und aktuell ist kein zusätzlicher content* geplant:
*denke dlcs sind damit nicht ausgeschlossen, aber wenigstens haben sie keine multimedia pr kampagne vor wie bei ffxv mit prequel filmen, spin-offs und crossover events."Currently, there are no plans to create anything, for example, like a lore book like we had in Final Fantasy XIV. So, the development team is currently working really hard to make the final release of the game a complete experience so that no other tertiary content will be required to enjoy or understand it. And so, how the story and the narrative progresses is that we follow the life of Clive Rossville through three different stages: his teens, his 20s, and his 30s."
wieso der titel erwachsener ist:
"When trying to tell a story with difficult adult themes, these ratings can end up becoming somewhat of a hindrance. And you find yourself changing things that you wanted to do in the game based on that rating. You wanted to show something, but because you have this certain rating that you need to go to, you need to move the camera away. And that ends up making the entire experience feel a little bit cheaper."
"This time, to make sure that we could tell the story that we wanted in the way that we wanted to, we decided to pursue a mature rating in most of the regions that will be releasing the game," Yoshida explained. "But again, this is not because we simply wanted to make the game more violent or the game more explicit, this is because we felt it was necessary to allow us to explore those more mature themes that the game tackles."
wieso der titel ein klassisches mittelalter fantasy setting bietet:
The answer to that is actually kind of simple: it just happens to be that a lot of the core members in [Creative Business Unit III] really enjoyed those classic Final Fantasies as well as that classic medieval European fantasy feel – myself included – and we wanted to create a game that had that feeling. When creating this game, we wanted to take that look, that medieval European classic fantasy look, and meld that with our own unique idea that we had, and then take all of that and try to express that with the current level of technology and make something that is really, really exciting.
As you know, the Final Fantasy series is kind of famous, or infamous, for being different with each entry in the series. That said, after doing some recent user research, we found that a lot of the users were finding that a lot of the recent Final Fantasy [games] were kind of becoming static in that vision so we wanted to use this as an opportunity to step back from that and try something different; not just for us, but thinking to the future of Final Fantasy and forthcoming projects, we wanted to try something different and maybe show that yeah, the series can go in different directions rather than focusing on one.
der nächster trailer soll noch diesen herbst (playstation showcase maybe maybe) veröffentlicht werden:
While we just released our second trailer, we're currently already working on readying a third trailer for release this fall. In that trailer, we hope to concentrate a little bit more on the world and the lore and the storyline, and hopefully bring a little bit more of that information to players, showing what the story is going to be like, what the narrative is going to be like, and how that's going to fit into the world.