Virtuelle Welten: PSVR, Oculus & Co


Cyt für Kantholz
die ps+ extra/premium titel für märz:
PS Extra:
UFC 5 | PS5
Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown | PS4, PS5
Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions | PS4
Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation Code Fairy | PS4, PS5
Arcade Paradise | PS4, PS5
Bang-On Balls: Chronicles | PS4, PS5
You Suck at Parking | PS4, PS5
Syberia – The World Before | PS4, PS5
PS Premium:

Arcade Paradise VR | PS VR2
Armored Core | PS4, PS5
Armored Core: Project Phantasma | PS4, PS5
Armored Core: Master of Arena | PS4, PS5

noch mehr armored core 🙏

Somit wäre Arcade Paradise VR das PS+ Premium PSVR2 Spiel für diesen Monat:
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Cyt für Kantholz
Valve Working On "SteamVR Link Dongle" For Reliable Wireless PC VR - UploadVR'
VR enthusiast Brad Lynch's Discord datamining group have discovered multiple references to the device and its drivers in SteamVR code, including a vendor and device ID which Lynch claims suggests the device is "being finalized internally".

Currently the Steam Link app for Quest, which datamining suggests will also come to Pico and HTC standalone headsets, leverages your existing home Wi-Fi network for wireless PC VR, as does the built-in Air Link and third-party tools like Virtual Desktop and ALVR.



Cyt für Kantholz
Das Meta Quest Exklusive "Assassin’s Creed® Nexus VR" gibt es gerade im Sale für 17,99 € 39,99 € (zur Store Page)

Service, weil ich denke die wenigsten hier regelmäßig, trotz Quest, den Meta Store abchecken.
Werde ich daher auch nur für die größeren Meta Quest Exklusives machen.
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