Starfield was comfortably No.1 across Europe during its launch week, GSD data shows.
The Xbox game, which is also on PC, became the fastest-selling new IP of the year, and the fifth fastest-selling game of the year overall. Its launch sales are ahead of Final Fantasy 16 and Resident Evil 4, but behind Hogwarts Legacy, Diablo IV, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
Its launch sales are ahead of Final Fantasy 16 and Resident Evil 4, but behind Hogwarts Legacy, Diablo IV, The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and Star Wars Jedi: Survivor.
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor hat sich so gut verkauft um in der Reihe mit Diablo und Zelda genannt zu werden?Krass... das hätte ich nicht gedacht.
Star Wars Jedi: Survivor launch sales were thirty percent higher than that of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.
der vorgänger hatte nach nicht mal einen halben jahr 10 millionen verkaufte einheiten.
|System | This Week | Last Week | Last Year | YTD | Last YTD | LTD |
| NSW # | 71.578 | 80.057 | 127.558 | 2.918.755 | 3.287.020 | 30.642.802 |
| PS5 # | 38.611 | 43.623 | 11.180 | 1.984.865 | 702.346 | 4.362.254 |
| XBS # | 1.670 | 4.375 | 14.077 | 100.086 | 209.590 | 498.481 |
| PS4 # | 383 | 828 | 12 | 54.707 | 651 | 9.472.474 |
| 3DS # | 21 | 35 | 29 | 2.591 | 9.447 | 24.600.488 |
| ALL | 112.263 | 128.918 | 152.856 | 5.061.004 | 4.209.054 | 70.768.801 |
| PS5 | 35.865 | 40.104 | 8.739 | 1.725.968 | 629.304 | 3.785.913 |
| PS5DE | 2.746 | 3.519 | 2.441 | 258.897 | 73.042 | 576.341 |
| XBS X | 660 | 1.938 | 866 | 48.373 | 86.500 | 220.784 |
| XBS S | 1.010 | 2.437 | 13.211 | 51.713 | 123.090 | 277.697 |
|NSWOLED| 52.998 | 59.689 | 96.889 | 2.029.791 | 1.850.722 | 5.601.803 |
| NSW L | 9.077 | 10.296 | 4.986 | 393.639 | 480.444 | 5.497.333 |
| NSW | 9.503 | 10.072 | 25.683 | 495.325 | 955.854 | 19.543.666 |
| PS4 | 383 | 828 | 12 | 54.707 | 651 | 7.896.751 |
|n-2DSLL| 21 | 35 | 29 | 2.591 | 9.447 | 1.205.543 |
|System | This Week | Last Week | Last Year | YTD | Last YTD | LTD |
| NSW # | 72.590 | 71.578 | 86.572 | 2.991.345 | 3.373.592 | 30.715.392 |
| PS5 # | 46.729 | 38.611 | 29.522 | 2.031.594 | 731.868 | 4.408.983 |
| XBS # | 9.058 | 1.670 | 12.179 | 109.144 | 221.769 | 507.539 |
| PS4 # | 702 | 383 | 10 | 55.409 | 661 | 9.473.176 |
| 3DS # | 73 | 21 | 41 | 2.664 | 9.488 | 24.600.561 |
| ALL | 129.152 | 112.263 | 128.324 | 5.190.156 | 4.337.378 | 70.898.026 |
| PS5 | 43.482 | 35.865 | 26.380 | 1.769.450 | 655.684 | 3.829.395 |
| PS5DE | 3.247 | 2.746 | 3.142 | 262.144 | 76.184 | 579.588 |
| XBS X | 1.403 | 660 | 544 | 49.776 | 87.044 | 222.187 |
| XBS S | 7.655 | 1.010 | 11.635 | 59.368 | 134.725 | 285.352 |
|NSWOLED| 54.089 | 52.998 | 55.646 | 2.083.880 | 1.906.368 | 5.655.892 |
| NSW L | 8.432 | 9.077 | 3.982 | 402.071 | 484.426 | 5.505.765 |
| NSW | 10.069 | 9.503 | 26.944 | 505.394 | 982.798 | 19.553.735 |
| PS4 | 702 | 383 | 10 | 55.409 | 661 | 7.897.453 |
|n-2DSLL| 73 | 21 | 41 | 2.664 | 9.488 | 1.205.616 |
|System | This Week | Last Week | Last Year | YTD | Last YTD | LTD |
| NSW # | 56.528 | 72.590 | 70.385 | 3.047.873 | 3.443.977 | 30.771.920 |
| PS5 # | 45.946 | 46.729 | 18.076 | 2.077.540 | 749.944 | 4.454.929 |
| XBS # | 4.528 | 9.058 | 13.064 | 113.672 | 234.833 | 512.067 |
| PS4 # | 423 | 702 | 14 | 55.832 | 675 | 9.473.599 |
| 3DS # | 27 | 73 | 27 | 2.691 | 9.515 | 24.600.588 |
| ALL | 107.452 | 129.152 | 101.566 | 5.297.608 | 4.438.944 | 71.005.505 |
| PS5 | 40.396 | 43.482 | 15.101 | 1.809.846 | 670.785 | 3.869.791 |
| PS5DE | 5.550 | 3.247 | 2.975 | 267.694 | 79.159 | 585.138 |
| XBS X | 1.043 | 1.403 | 3.401 | 50.819 | 90.445 | 223.230 |
| XBS S | 3.485 | 7.655 | 9.663 | 62.853 | 144.388 | 288.837 |
|NSWOLED| 42.270 | 54.089 | 47.042 | 2.126.150 | 1.953.410 | 5.698.162 |
| NSW L | 6.883 | 8.432 | 2.549 | 408.954 | 486.975 | 5.512.648 |
| NSW | 7.375 | 10.069 | 20.794 | 512.769 | 1.003.592 | 19.561.110 |
| PS4 | 423 | 702 | 14 | 55.832 | 675 | 7.897.876 |
|n-2DSLL| 27 | 73 | 27 | 2.691 | 9.515 | 1.205.643 |
|System | This Week | Last Week | Last Year | YTD | Last YTD | LTD |
| NSW # | 110.241 | 56.528 | 62.100 | 3.158.114 | 3.506.077 | 30.882.161 |
| PS5 # | 33.754 | 45.946 | 5.546 | 2.111.294 | 755.490 | 4.488.683 |
| PS4 # | 1.020 | 423 | 12 | 56.852 | 687 | 9.474.619 |
| XBS # | 995 | 4.528 | 797 | 114.667 | 235.630 | 513.062 |
| 3DS # | 21 | 27 | 85 | 2.712 | 9.600 | 24.600.609 |
| ALL | 146.031 | 107.452 | 68.540 | 5.443.639 | 4.507.484 | 71.151.557 |
| PS5 | 31.995 | 40.396 | 4.897 | 1.841.841 | 675.682 | 3.901.786 |
| PS5DE | 1.759 | 5.550 | 649 | 269.453 | 79.808 | 586.897 |
| XBS X | 571 | 1.043 | 391 | 51.390 | 90.836 | 223.801 |
| XBS S | 424 | 3.485 | 406 | 63.277 | 144.794 | 289.261 |
|NSWOLED| 100.019 | 42.270 | 36.923 | 2.226.169 | 1.990.333 | 5.798.181 |
| NSW L | 5.085 | 6.883 | 1.925 | 414.039 | 488.900 | 5.517.733 |
| NSW | 5.137 | 7.375 | 23.252 | 517.906 | 1.026.844 | 19.566.247 |
| PS4 | 1.020 | 423 | 12 | 56.852 | 687 | 7.898.896 |
|n-2DSLL| 21 | 27 | 85 | 2.712 | 9.600 | 1.205.664 |
Two new titles debuted in the Top Ten this week, with Lords of the Fallen taking the No.4 spot and The Grinch: Christmas Adventure ranking at No.8.
The new Forza Motorsport failed to reach the Top 20, debuting at No.23. The only other new release in the charts this week was Fortnite Transformers Pack at No.17.
The PS5 console was the best-selling platform in terms of both units purchased and dollar sales in the USA last month despite the release of Starfield on rival hardware. The Sony system topped the hardware chart on both fronts, with the Xbox Series X|S taking second and then the hybrid Nintendo Switch in third. Still, the Bethesda RPG was the best-selling game of September 2023, with Mortal Kombat 1 and EA Sports FC 24 taking second and third respectively.
|System | This Week | Last Week | Last Year | YTD | Last YTD | LTD |
| NSW # | 44.470 | 110.241 | 43.329 | 3.202.584 | 3.549.406 | 30.926.631 |
| PS5 # | 19.709 | 33.754 | 20.297 | 2.131.003 | 775.787 | 4.508.392 |
| PS4 # | 2.054 | 1.020 | 11 | 58.906 | 698 | 9.476.673 |
| XBS # | 1.086 | 995 | 3.551 | 115.753 | 239.181 | 514.148 |
| 3DS # | 85 | 21 | 113 | 2.797 | 9.713 | 24.600.694 |
| ALL | 67.404 | 146.031 | 67.301 | 5.511.043 | 4.574.785 | 71.219.046 |
| PS5 | 18.565 | 31.995 | 18.691 | 1.860.406 | 694.373 | 3.920.351 |
| PS5DE | 1.144 | 1.759 | 1.606 | 270.597 | 81.414 | 588.041 |
| XBS X | 609 | 571 | 469 | 51.999 | 91.305 | 224.410 |
| XBS S | 477 | 424 | 3.082 | 63.754 | 147.876 | 289.738 |
|NSWOLED| 34.472 | 100.019 | 24.229 | 2.260.641 | 2.014.562 | 5.832.653 |
| NSW L | 4.828 | 5.085 | 1.490 | 418.867 | 490.390 | 5.522.561 |
| NSW | 5.170 | 5.137 | 17.610 | 523.076 | 1.044.454 | 19.571.417 |
| PS4 | 2.054 | 1.020 | 11 | 58.906 | 698 | 7.900.950 |
|n-2DSLL| 85 | 21 | 113 | 2.797 | 9.713 | 1.205.749 |
Starfield sagt "nein"Game Pass killt Retail. Bin gespannt auf die kommenden US Zahlen.
|System | This Week | Last Week | Last Year | YTD | Last YTD | LTD |
| NSW # | 62.250 | 44.470 | 54.637 | 3.264.834 | 3.604.043 | 30.988.881 |
| PS5 # | 9.844 | 19.709 | 28.661 | 2.140.847 | 804.448 | 4.518.236 |
| XBS # | 2.748 | 1.086 | 4.158 | 118.501 | 243.339 | 516.896 |
| PS4 # | 1.437 | 2.054 | 13 | 60.343 | 711 | 9.478.110 |
| 3DS # | 27 | 85 | 57 | 2.824 | 9.770 | 24.600.721 |
| ALL | 76.306 | 67.404 | 87.526 | 5.587.349 | 4.662.311 | 71.295.379 |
| PS5 | 8.164 | 18.565 | 26.238 | 1.868.570 | 720.611 | 3.928.515 |
| PS5DE | 1.680 | 1.144 | 2.423 | 272.277 | 83.837 | 589.721 |
| XBS X | 2.585 | 609 | 207 | 54.584 | 91.512 | 226.995 |
| XBS S | 163 | 477 | 3.951 | 63.917 | 151.827 | 289.901 |
|NSWOLED| 51.931 | 34.472 | 38.079 | 2.312.572 | 2.052.641 | 5.884.584 |
| NSW L | 5.269 | 4.828 | 1.186 | 424.136 | 491.576 | 5.527.830 |
| NSW | 5.050 | 5.170 | 15.372 | 528.126 | 1.059.826 | 19.576.467 |
| PS4 | 1.437 | 2.054 | 13 | 60.343 | 711 | 7.902.387 |
|n-2DSLL| 27 | 85 | 57 | 2.824 | 9.770 | 1.205.776 |