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For an Indiana Jones adventure to truly shine," explains Lucasfilm Games executive producer Craig Derrick, "it needs a globe-trotting journey with a strong historical element—something grounded in reality yet wrapped in mystique or relevance. With The Great Circle, Todd Howard and the team at MachineGames struck gold by centering the story on a real-world mystery: a number of ancient sites around the world align on a perfect, unbroken circle, yet the reason behind this alignment has eluded people for centuries."
An Indiana Jones adventure feels especially apt for gaming when the character is tackling puzzles, which Derrick notes is a "core gameplay element" of The Great Circle. Movie audiences are well accustomed to Indy using his wits to outsmart booby traps and navigate ancient passages. Great Circle players will be able to do the same.
We wanted the player's primary focus to be on using their brains before their brawn, although punching bad guys is also a lot of fun. In many ways, we envisioned this game as a spiritual successor to Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis and other classic adventure games. It's about thinking, discovering, tracking down clues, and sometimes just a bit of luck to get through the various traps, tombs, and threats encountered—all while capturing that over-the-top Saturday matinee feel that defines an Indiana Jones adventure."
The recent gameplay trailer has introduced players to a pair of new tools that will be available throughout Indy's journey: a journal and a camera. The journal, as Derrick notes, will help the player with "discovering clues, gathering vital information to solve later puzzles, documenting your journey, and pulling out the map to figure out where to go next." It's a poignant accessory in the classic Indiana Jones vein.
The camera is a bit more unusual, something audiences haven't seen Indy employ in the feature films. But as Derrick is keen to point out, the character has indeed used just such a device in The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones television series. "A little-known fact about Indy is that as a young man he becomes an aerial reconnaissance photographer during World War I, so why we don't necessarily call that out, this game leverages a little bit of that aspect of his character." In The Great Circle, the camera will allow players to gather useful information and aid them in uncovering hidden details for various puzzles. "It's a fascinating addition to Indy's toolkit," says Derrick, "adding depth and new dimensions to the gameplay."



In many ways, we envisioned this game as a spiritual successor to Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis and other classic adventure games. It's about thinking, discovering, tracking down clues, and sometimes just a bit of luck to get through the various traps, tombs, and threats encountered

Oha... bin mal gespannt ob das nur BlaBla ist oder tatsächlich der Fokus des Spieles ist. Wenn dann dürfte das so einige Leute enttäuschen die ein Action-Feuerwerk wie Uncharted & Co erwarten... und das sind denke ich nicht wenige.

Ich persönlich fände die Idee das Ganze eher wie ein klassisches Adventure, nur eben in First-Person und gewürzt mit etwas mehr direkter Action, zu spielen eigentlich echt cool.
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Reaktionen: El Hermano und Para


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Oha... bin mal gespannt ob das nur BlaBla ist oder tatsächlich der Fokus des Spieles ist. Wenn dann dürfte das so einige Leute enttäuschen die ein Action-Feuerwerk wie Uncharted & Co erwarten... und das sind denke ich nicht wenige.

Ich persönlich fände die Idee das Ganze eher wie ein klassisches Adventure, nur eben in First-Person und gewürzt mit etwas mehr direkter Action, zu spielen eigentlich echt cool.

der vergleich mit uncharted wäre eben auch vielleicht schwierig geworden. naughty dog haben das schon imo perfektioniert.
deswegen begrüße ich auch, dass machine games hier in eine andere richtung geht bzw. sich eher an fate of atlantis orientiert.

wird mein weihnachtsspiel.


Schaut wirklich sehr gut aus...

Mich stören aber etwas die Wechsel in die Third-Person. Vor allem wenn man nur für ne Sekunde über nen Abgrund schwingt. Hoffe das kann man abschalten.