Tomb Raider I-VI Remastered


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Entwickler: Aspyr
Publisher: Aspyr
System: PC, PS5, PS4, Switch & Xbox Series
Release: 14. Februar 2024
Discover Lara Croft’s original adventures, lovingly restored.

Play the original three Tomb Raider adventures: for the first time ever, play the complete experience with all expansions and secret levels on modern platforms in this definitive collection.
Included Game Titles:
Tomb Raider I + “The Unfinished Business” Expansion
Tomb Raider II + “The Gold Mask” Expansion
Tomb Raider III + “The Lost Artifact” Expansion
Solve Ancient Mysteries – Uncover treasures of the ancient world by solving puzzles and unraveling mysteries lost to the ravages of time.
Globe-trotting Adventure – Follow Lara Croft around the world and face off against deadly foes and dangerous myths.
Lovingly Restored – Experience the classics boasting upgraded graphics, with the option to switch to the original polygon look at any time.



Geht mir auch so... obwohl ich die Orginale damals auf der PS1 gespielt habe.

Bin ja eigentlich ein Fan dieser Remaster-Versionen... aber hier denke ich nicht dass ich das nochmal bräuchte.
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Reaktionen: DoK und Wolke


Greetings earthlings!
Bei den Spielen ist es mit aufhübschen imo einfach nicht getan. Die können mich spielerisch schlichtweg nicht mehr überzeugen.
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Reaktionen: Frank


Jep... ehrlich gesagt fand ich die damals schon nicht wirklich gut. Kann mich bei Tomb Raider 2 daran erinnern dass ich mich selbst gefragt habe warum das in der Presse so gefeiert wurde. Hat sich gesteuert wie ein Panzer... mit Kettenschaden. Teil 3 hab ich dann komplett sein lassen.
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Finde auch, dass das eine optisch sehr gelungener Remaster ist. So stellt man sich die PS1-Spiele in den Erinnerungen meist vor, während die Realität meist weniger schön ist.

Die modernere Steuerung klingt auch positiv.
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Reaktionen: Pathos und Jayroc


Ich bin ja voll im Team Remaster... aber bei Tomb Raider glaube ich nicht dass das viel bringen wird. Die Teile haben damals nen gewissen Nerv getroffen, aber wirklich gutes Gameplay hatten die nie. Zumindest keines was heute noch Spass macht...

Es gibt sehr viele PS1-Titel die innovatives Gameplay hatten das man mit aktualisierter Grafik auch heute noch problemlos spielen kann... Tomb Raider gehört da leider nicht dazu.

Aber gut... es ist eben Tomb Raider und für viele einfach ein Nostalgie-Trip. Ich freue mich ja über jedes gelungene Remaster...
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Reaktionen: Bart Wux


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The original trilogy has returned! Revisit Lara Croft's origins with developer Aspyr's carefully measured remasters, which offer a combination of OG visuals along with brand new visuals, hot-swappable with the press of a button. John Linneman returns to the roots of the original games, checking them out on various retro systems and seeing how they compare to Aspyr's new versions. Meanwhile, there's commentary on the games themselves and the efforts to modernise elements like the tank controls.
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Reaktionen: RoyEFaulskemper


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Kann man erneut von Angel of Darkness enttäuscht werden. :ugly:

sie überarbeiten es auf jeden fall bisschen mehr.
Tomb Raider IV-VI Remastered aims to realize the full potential of The Angel of Darkness by restoring much of the content originally envisioned for the game. The developers from Saber and Aspyr have focused on reintroducing elements that fans have long celebrated, enhancing the experience of this cult classic.
The Controls
As with the previous Remastered games, players can choose between Tank and Modern controls for Angel of Darkness. However, we highly encourage players to use the Modern controls (preferably using a gamepad), as the developers have breathed new life into them. With the Modern controls, Lara feels noticeably more responsive and intuitive to handle.

The camera can be fully rotated 360 degrees, and Lara can jump in the direction the camera is pointing without needing to adjust her facing before jumping. Not only can now Lara shoot mid-air and perform consecutive jumps, but she can also shoot from around corners in stealth mode.
Kurtis Trent's Abilities
Kurtis Trent has always been a character of immense untapped potential. As an ex-Legionnaire trained in the ways of the Lux Veritatis, he possesses psychic abilities, including the power to control the discus-like blade known as the Chirugai. Kurtis' movements contrast with Lara's by being heavier and less graceful. While Lara's athleticism and gymnastic abilities give her a lighter, more agile style, Kurtis relies on his mental powers and physical endurance which result in a slower, more deliberate style.

Tomb Raider IV-VI Remastered restores Kurtis' ability to wield the Chirugai in-game. While Kurtis prefers using his custom-made Boran X pistol, the Chirugai proves invaluable when he runs out of bullets.

Kurtis can now also project a psychic shield around his body which can be quite useful in a boss battle.
He can now sprint like Lara and shoot around corners while in stealth mode.
Parisian Back Streets Training Area
In the original Angel of Darkness, the Parisian Back Streets level hid an unfinished training area where players could learn the commando crawl ability, which was never taught elsewhere in the game. Players could, however, access the area to explore it using various tools. Tomb Raider IV-VI Remastered fully restores this training area, allowing players to choose whether they want to take this route or the one from the original game.
Purchasable items from the Rennes’ Pawnshop and Herbalist
Daniel Rennes' Pawnshop serves as a front where customers can purchase various items under the counter. In the original game, Lara could sell valuables she found along the way for money; however, aside from bribes, she didn’t have much use for it. Now, Rennes' Pawnshop is the place where Lara can obtain weapons and weapon accessories such as the Silencer and Lasersight, giving players a reason to search the Parisian Ghetto for misplaced Euros.
Unused voice lines, Notebook notes and Inventory items
Various voice lines from Lara and Kurtis have been restored, providing more context to help players better understand the story and offer additional hints.

Easy to miss in the original game, Werner Von Croy's Notebook now opens automatically the first time Lara wakes up in the derelict railway carriage. Containing crucial story and puzzle-related information, the notebook has been updated with new entries that are added as the game progresses.

Additionally, some inventory items have been restored, such as Von Croy's cane, which holds a secret that can only be unlocked in the inventory.
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Reaktionen: Cycrow und Beardsome