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OD - TGA 2023 Teaser Trailer - [CERO] 4K (BQ).jpg
Entwickler: Kojima Productions
Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
System: PC & Xbox Series
Release: TBA
A Hideo Kojima game, OD explores the concept of testing your fear threshold, and what it means to OD on fear – while blurring the boundaries of gaming and film. The new teaser for OD also reveals Sophia Lillis (Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves), Hunter Schaffer (Euphoria) and Udo Kier (Flesh for Frankenstein), who will play the lead roles in the upcoming project.

udo! udo! udo! 🙏


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However, as spotted by Central Xbox, and verified by VGC using the trailer on the official Kojima Productions YouTube channel, the section involving German actor Udo Kier appears to have a hidden message in it.

While Kier is talking to the camera, faint letters appear in his mouth during five separate frames, which can be seen easier if the video’s brightness levels are adjusted (as we’ve done in the header image of this article, where you can see the letter A).

In order, the letters spell out ‘Atami’, which is a Japanese city located in Shizuoka Prefecture. The kanji spelling of Shizuoka is 静岡, and when separated into individual kanji, 静 means ‘calm’, ‘quiet’ or ‘silent’ and 岡 means ‘hill’.

It certainly appears, then, that Kojima is making a reference to Silent Hill in the trailer, but it’s not clear why.



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das mit der tür war aber ziemlich offensichtlich von der ersten sekunde an. 😬

kojima liebt eben diese anspielungen und ist sich auch sehr über die aufmerksamkeit bewusst, die sowas erzeugt. schließlich hatten wir das karussell auch schon mit death stranding. vor release und sogar danach (lisa easter egg im director's cut) und das ding wird er auch nach od und ds2 reiten.
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Reaktionen: Cycrow


Cyt für Kantholz
Ey... die Show war brutal spät in den Abend rein, hab die Referenz mit der Tür tatsächlich nicht gecheckt.
Dachte mir nur "Ah need, da kommt der Kojima-san raus" :high: