
Team | Content
Entwickler: The Coalition
Publisher: Xbox Game Studios
System: PC & Xbox Series
Release: TBA
Experience the brutal horror of Emergence Day through the eyes of Marcus Fenix in the origin story of one of gaming's most acclaimed sagas. Fourteen years before Gears of War, war heroes Marcus Fenix and Dom Santiago return home to face a new nightmare: the Locust Horde. These subterranean monsters, grotesque and relentless, erupt from below, laying siege on humanity itself. Built from the ground up with Unreal Engine 5, Gears of War: E-Day delivers unprecedented graphical fidelity.

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Ist auch so ziemlich das einzige von den Trailern, die nen positiven Impact bei mir hinterlassen haben, auch wenn es stumpfes Nostalgia-Bait ist. Gut, CoD und Doom fand ich auch sehr gut, nur gedanklich schreibe ich dafür immer noch nicht den Credit MS zu, sondern seh die losgelöst von der Xbox Brand an. Und so Kram wie Perfect Dark oder Fable hat zwar Potenzial, aber gerade ersteres sah super belanglos und generisch aus, da muss man erstmal abwarten...
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Cyt für Kantholz
Übernehmen hoffentlich auch die Stimmung und den düsteren Look aus Teil 1 und 2.


Bin nicht der größte Gears Fan und habe auch nur Teil 1&2 gespielt aber es freut mich nochmal was neues von der Serie zu sehen.
Werde ich mir auf jeden Fall zu Release mal geben.


Team | Content
laut tom warren peilt(e) das team für e-day ein 2025 release date an und soll sogar vor fable (ebenso geplant für 25) erscheinen. jedenfalls war das wohl mal geplant.

weil die info u.a. hinter der paywall ist:
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Reaktionen: Zerfikka und Cycrow


Cyt für Kantholz
Jez Corden: We caught up with The Coalition to learn all about Gears of War: E-Day in this new interview.

Why E-Day? Why Not Gears 6?

"By the time we were done with all that, we were well into the pandemic," Searcy recalls, "A lot of folks were reflecting. We knew we were going to Unreal 5, we knew this big tech update was coming. We wanted to build a bunch of stuff from the ground up again, and reflect on the franchise and what it meant to us at The Coalition. That's why we had elements of the Mad World trailer in here, those kinds of vibes are what we love about the franchise."

"E-Day is an origin story," Nicole Fawcette continued, "it's the origin story of the bond that defines the franchise, which is Marcus Fenix and Dom Santiago's friendship. When you first meet them, they're not the same Marcus and Dom you know. In Gears 1, they've already spent 14 years fighting the Locust."

Tone of the Game
"You can see that we've wanted to reposition the Locust drone as actual scary, terrifying creatures. People remember Gears of War 1 of having these high moments of horror, and being scared. We're going back to that darker, grittier vibe that people have in their mind when they think about the franchise."

Nicole emphasized that while they are ramping up the horror, they aren't abandoning the franchise's emotional hooks, recalling some of the game's most painful sequences involving Dom and his wife Maria from Gears 2, or the climax from Gears 3. "That's in our DNA. The cool thing about Gears is that it can straddle both of those things. You can tell dark, and horrific stories about human suffering, but also offer hope, and what it feels like to have a squad at your back. And then, having moments where you chainsaw a Locusts' head off. And have it feel so fucking good."

"I would say, this is the next mainline Gears game," Searcy emphasized, "Gears has a pretty clear DNA for gameplay modes, so you can probably anticipate where we'll be going with E-Day."

New Gameplay Changes?
"We're also going to change up gameplay stuff as well. We've worked on the franchise for ten years so we've got experience with revisiting enemy types, but also adding new weapons, and maybe even new enemies as well. We'll do all that stuff."

Is it Linear? Is it Open World? Are They Going Back to Gears 5's Open Area Experimentation?
"We think we have a pretty good handle on what makes Gears feel great, but that doesn't mean we have to return Gears to it's simplest possible version. There's some things we tried that didn't work great, and some things we tried that actually turned out pretty good. We know that there's this core, linear 'against all odds' thing that flows through it, but there's room for us to play with that. We've got a whole city to play with." Matt continued, "Gears of War: E-Day is going to feel like a fucking kick ass Gears game, like the one people have in their head. But it's going to feel like a new game too. It's going to have a new feel, it's going to feel fresh and good at the same time."